La quema
La Quema "contemporary dance work created in collaboration with the Nohbords company directed by the choreographer Diego Mur and the artisan Leonardo Linares, grandson of Pedro Linares, inventor of alebrijes.

Our team by the hand of Nohbords and a great production, with the In order to be able to find other alternative presentation formats, the communication of dance with other branches of art and a broader understanding of clothing design, we prepared this collaboration where, from the dance itself, the viewer can understand our silhouettes and patterns from bodies that dance and become alienated in space.

LA QUEMA (2020)
Directed by: Carla Fernández and Diego Mur
Fashion design: Carla Fernández
Design and elaboration of masks: Leonardo Linares Choreography: Diego Mur
Production: Homero Fernández and Momo Room
Music: Rafael Durand Photography: Ricardo Ramos